Monday, August 21, 2006

The passing of Terri

Sad news, folks. Our friend and colleague, a great fellow English teacher and all around sweet lady passed away yesterday. She was too young to die, and the shock of it all is how fast it happened. In June she was a healthy teacher getting ready for a trip to stay with our friend Herbert in Innsbruck, Austria. In July some medical test results prevented her from going. She had cancer, and each test result was progressively worse. Now in August, she is gone. My brain reels trying to comprehend the suddenness, sadness. This is what I meant when I wrote a song that "live is in a minor".

Here's Lynn's e mail about it. Lynn and Bill had taken her to Brazil for some alternative healing, since the doctors gave her no chance:

Dear Jim,
Glad to know you got home safely.
Terri passed away peacefully this morning in a hospital in Anapolis Brazil, where we brought her last night. Yesterday was an amazingly remarkable experience, which I´ll relate later. We are in the funeral home now making complicated arrangements to have her body sent home for cremation ... a nearly impossible task here.
I´ll call later.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

new camp photos

We are back in Hawaii now, admusting to new time zones and enjoying our five-ness.

Photos from the end of camp:

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

violin stealers, you're on notice!

Sad news. The violin player in my band has had his instruments stolen:

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Camp fun

Hi folks,

Another great week at camp in the Adirondacks. The latest photos are here: